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Violent interactions and criminal acts started from the dawn of times and will exist unit the end of times. We must except the notion and not be dismissive from its nature. Simple and prudent remedies for defense tactics must resonate in our minds if in the event evilness rears its ugly intent. Just because we are all spoiled and service-orientated Americans does not mean that of civil servants or law and justice are there to protect you from harm and neglect. Our modern quests in survival for food, shelter and protection has indeed manifested into a much better program, but it should not be taken for granted. Much like the historic caveman, survival also meant having his spear near him at all times should the event he may need it other than for hunting needs.  Today, most of us have their PDA cell phone near by if in the event they are texted---not the mention, the TV remote as well.  Wake up and smell the survival! 



Our program was not designed to make

one scared---just more prepared!



As we live in a somewhat structured and  insecurely  lawful society, we at times ignore our intuition of fear and dismiss nature's signs of danger that was physiologically instilled in us. Why? Well, it is mostly due to the fact that we do not wish to be casted in society has being uncivil, mistrustful or overzealously characterized as being, well, called the proverbial "Fraidy Cat." Hard to believe? You think that childhood learned juvenile  traits did not manifest in our heads only to now allow some of us to be ignorantly submissive to rudimentary signs of risk and danger? Oh, yes they do.      


Try to be neutral, objective and source critical.. 

 Be prepared and NOT Scared!

Inconvenient truths along with cognitive dismissal of crime and violent acts is vastly accepted by most people's thought process in our society. This is mostly due to the majority of us as being Hedonists; we seek the pleasures in life and avoid painful and unpleasant events. Our nature and quest to coexist in life is for happiness, reward, passion, and fruitful, earned gratification. We therefore obey society's rules and symmetric nature and function with other civil human beings mostly comprised of conformists that mirror the same standards. 


What about the members of society who wish not to obey the mandated acts of civility? The ones who are unorthodox in nature within the living standards. The persons who are inept and devoid of feelings, empathy, and equality towards others and show no mercy and aforethought in their actions. These are the habitual non-conformists who feel that they are self-justified to take advantage of our good faith system with incorrigible disregard for the law. Now, if we all close our eyes and take a deep breath for a moment, perhaps we could mentally make them just go away. You know, out of sight, out of mind? Well, saying our prayers and hiding under the bed just won't cut it, folks. Evil coexists with good and without it, well, we would not know what goodness really is; right? Whatever the divine plan was from the start mankind just seems to be designed this way--for now?   


Security & Safety are important factors in our life---So why do people

tend to ignore them?

Millions of years ago during the pre-historic ages, Neanderthals known as "cavemen" lived in a substandard environment of unpredictable change, risk, and unknown environmental elements. There was no formed government, mandated moral, or social alliances nor any other strategic community developmental plans for unity. It was survival of the fittest in an untamed world without formational protection or safety. Throughout the course of the "live or die" daily routine, our ancestors developed instinctive natural talents to maintain inhabitable shelters, the skills to hunt for food and game, and, oh yes, protection and self-preservation. Throughout this early age of survival, it was common for self-seeking individuals to take what they wanted, kill whomever they wanted, and deprive others of the hard work and efforts for self-survival.

Let's talk about risk. There is an old saying, "Risk is not being afraid of losing sight of the shore." Well, contrary to what one would believe, we all put ourselves at risk each day. Driving a car at 40 miles per hour while on your way to work is a large risk when you consider that head-on traffic is driving just as fast and could impact you with the combined force of 80 miles per hour. Ouch! Even though you are wearing a seat belt with airbags, one is going to suffer some injury and severe neurological  trauma. This is a risk element. The same goes for working in high-rise buildings, crossing the street against traffic, going on blind date, eating possibly contaminated food at a restaurant, inviting a maintenance man into your home or just walking down your stairs may put one at risk. Risk, however, can be controlled.


Where are your risk levels at in life? 



Laxity and convenience factors play a huge part in uncontrollable risk. Things like, "I am late, I have to speed on the highway while I put my make-up on and answer my friend's text message while I am driving 65 miles per hour in rush hour morning traffic---along with rain perhaps." Yep, I guess one could call that risk. What about, "hey, I live in an area that has been currently hit with a rash of robberies and home invasions due to the bad economy the papers say, but a home alarm system is too much money at this time---therefore, I do not need it!" "The company wants to install the system for $99 dollars and then charge me $30 dollars a month." "No one is likely to come into my house because I lived here the longest, I have a baseball bat and I am over 60 years old and all have respect for me." Let's analyze this shall we? Statists say, older people are more likely to be victimized due to they decreased inability to defense themselves and reactionary influence. Therefore, $30 per month is too much for an alarm system that could safe your home and belongings not to mention perhaps save your life? I guess spending $30 per month for cable TV and several weekly lunch dates that cost well over $30 dollars is consciously cost-prohibitive too right?   Wake up and smell the survival!    


 A Look at the Modern Criminal's Intentions


In the past, an entrepreneur unveiling a unique product or service was primarily focused on its marketability, rarely questioning malicious intent. For instance, the old-fashioned newspaper dispenser was a testimony to the trust society once had. A single coin gave you one newspaper; why would anyone take more than they paid for? Unfortunately, in today's world, opportunistic and malevolent intentions drive many.  The act of taking more newspapers than paid for was never just about the newspaper. Whether driven by greed, the allure of deceit, or the so-called "thrill of the game," this behavior often emanates from a sociopathic mindset. Sociopaths typically possess an ego-centric agenda, rooted either in profiteering or personal gratification.

A more alarming illustration of criminal intent in modern times is home invasion. Unlike the newspaper thief, home invaders inflict psychological terror, violating the sanctity of a person's refuge - their home. This act is more than just burglary; it's a violent assertion of power, control, and violation, often accompanied by other heinous crimes like sexual assault or even murder.

The rise in home invasions can be attributed to various factors, including economic downturns. Much like carjacking disrupted our sense of safety on the road, home invasions have shattered the perception of our homes as impenetrable fortresses. Yet, despite the surge in such incidents, many police departments don’t categorize home invasions distinctly, often classifying them as burglaries or robberies. To counter this, it's crucial to equip individuals with knowledge and strategies to deter or respond to such threats. Educating families about creating "safe spaces" and reinforcing their homes against potential invasions is vital.

By definition, robbery involves forcibly depriving someone of their belongings, employing intimidation or actual violence. The act's essence is the power dynamic—taking advantage of the victim's vulnerability. Today's criminals have evolved, mastering the art of identifying and exploiting opportunities. They strike when we least expect, capitalizing on moments when our defenses are lowered.

Whether it's the small act of swiping extra newspapers or the grievous crime of home invasion, the modern criminal's motives remain consistent: exploitation, dominance, and personal gain. Understanding their mindset, staying vigilant, and prioritizing safety education are the initial steps to safeguarding oneself and the broader community.

Fear Induced Reactive Measures

F.I.R.M.™ is a 'behaviorally" researched, close-quarter personal defense system that utilizes the body's natural defenses and reactions to fear and violence. This method is based upon controlling one's physiological fear level in dealing with the element of surprise, the notion of being hurt, the feelings towards hurting others, and the "freezing up" shock mode. It is also based upon the drill method of flight or fight in various threat scenarios. 


Fear is a naturally driven instinct in all living species. It keeps us safe from harm and keeps us alive. In our course, one can expect to learn methods to combat fear and think logically and reactionary while under attack or preparing for national and local disasters. 


Although we can not make one a "Chuck Norris" in a day,  we will train you on 5 basic self-defense exercises that will keep you safe. We call it "the five to stay alive." NO STRENUOUS ACTIVITIES! Physically challenged persons can interact aa well with more mature seniors!


Forget about karate gear and uniforms. Our staff members are comprised of seasoned Black Belts of all different kinds of Martial Arts. We have chosen and five most effective techniques of defense and offense and simplified them for our students. These various fighting techniques are used all over the world by police and military.



"Every two seconds criminals search for the opportunity to take advantage of our good faith system."


A sociopathic response would be that after a person puts coins in the machine to purchase one newspaper, they decide to take all of the papers at the same time and then proceed to throw the papers all in the trash thinking the newspaper company rips people off anyway.  A psychopath may also get enjoyment knowing that they deprived the company and disadvantaged another morning commuter in the same way without any afterthought or guilty conscience, therefore, leaving them devoid of any feelings.  Perhaps the psychopath may wait and watch as another commuter places coins in the machine and learns that there are no more papers in the dispenser they just paid for. The psychopath likes the disenchanted look on the commuter's face and feels satisfaction they made a twisted happening.  Here is the definition of the two types of criminals. 



sociopath so·ci·o·pathsoh-see-uh-path n.


A person, with a psychopathic personality, whose behavior is antisocial and who lacks a sense of moral responsibility or social conscience, but is still basically in control.


 psychopath  psy·cho·path (sī'kə-pāth') n.


 A person with an antisocial personality disorder, especially one manifested in perverted, criminal, or amoral behavior and is usually out-of-control.  


We teach you tactics on how to deal with robbery whether at home, office, in a parking lot, or even in a restroom!



We are all plagued with information and media rhetoric about terrorism, economic collapse, and natural disasters. The fact is, we really do live in troubled times with great risk exposures that are looming under the laws of probability. It is said, that over 96% of all America are grossly and unsystematically prepared for any type of national disaster. Homeland Security and FEMA, even display set examples on their national Web sites on how all Americas should prepare food and survival rations in the event of an emergency.  Americans seem dismissive of these suggestions due to over-simulation and desensitization of media and hype. We think not. Visiting a grocery store and storing up is important!  



Most people care not to worry or be concerned with current national events. They believe that it could happen, but if they ignore it and put it out of their minds, perhaps it will "just go away." This is called: Normalcy Bias. Most people do not want the unpleasant thoughts of mayhem, disruption, and inconvenient living styles--until it actually happens. We teach the truth about preparedness without the paranoia of "doom and gloom."  

The yesterday vs. the today

Back in the day when I was a child say around 1970, I remember America as being a strong and enduring country that had an abundance of resources and positive influence. Sure, there were the same old politics and media sensationalized scandals, but liberty and the pursuit of happiness were a little more obtainable and stable it seemed. Manufacturing in America was still good and things that were made here were well-built and lasted longer due to prideful production standards and American ingenuity. Products were solid, stable, and functional.  We ruled on manufacturing that left others in the dust and when it came to capitalism and profitability, but soon enough, stuff was being made overseas and sold back to us at a much lower cost of production. For instance, I remember playing with the famous once-upon-a-time boy toy---G.I. Joe doll. Wow, those were the days. I remembered that the U.S. production of the toy was heavier, and well-made and the quality appeared to be beyond expectational standards.  Crony capitalism then set in and the once-upon-a-time forthright, prideful, and considerate production feeling had been diminished due to what I call the profit pig syndrome. Bigger numbers, fewer standards, and more profit baby. After all, isn’t our genetic makeup designed to succeed and conquer without a conscience?


The American symbiotic meaning was still in place and the first amendment was not yet misconstrued or used to revoke meaningful social interactions involving religious and traditional pastimes.  You know, the things that really meant something at one time in America like; Merry Christmas, the Pledge of Allegiance, and that little three-letter word called God. You know, the guy who created matter and every living organism.  I guess the "don't go there" stigma was sustained in our membrane and we had more understanding and passionate cause for values and good moral sense.


Sure we had rights, the same rights that we have now that is what I believe are taken for granted and misused for provocative self-righteous, political, hollow reasons. “Let’s just take out the word God, because it offends the atheists even though they are a very small assemblage that competes with the majority that believes in God.” Political correctness does not trump the majority’s vote. After all, elective measures, I thought. were the foundation of our standard living protocol in America.  Can we ever return to mainstream tradition without political variances?

Over dramatized, sensationalized, horrified, modified, rectified, and standardized. Whether we accept it or not---our country is changing...


So where am I going with this pattern of writing and thought process? People more than ever have to learn the necessary skills to protect themselves in the event of a natural or unnatural disaster event especially if they live in an urban environment.  Don't say "ah,"  or "whatever." Look at the facts and observe the rhythm of our society and judge for yourself without Normalcy Bias.  Wake up and smell the caution! 


She has been financially assaulted, abused & drained of her empowerment & dedication to the people... 

The vivid portrayal of Lady Liberty serves as a potent symbol of America's perceived challenges and vulnerabilities. As you've outlined, there are several areas of concern that have been voiced by various segments of the population and policy analysts. Here's an expansion on the concerns raised, based on available data up to 2021:

  1. Military Strength: The U.S. military remains the most powerful and well-funded force in the world. However, there have been concerns about the levels of personnel and the need for modernization in certain branches. Comparisons to pre-WWII levels are sometimes used as a rhetorical device to underscore the idea of diminished might, but the modern military is much more technologically advanced than its predecessors.

  2. Perceived Weakness: The perception of U.S. strength varies across the globe. While certain groups may believe America is weakening, the U.S. continues to maintain significant military, economic, and diplomatic influence worldwide.

  3. Foreign Relations: Allies are crucial for any nation. Concerns about strained ties with traditional allies, like Israel, and policies towards adversarial nations are topics of heated debate.

  4. Economic Health: The U.S. debt and financial obligations are often brought up as major issues. It's worth noting that while the debt is significant, the U.S. also has a robust economy and vast resources. The figures related to debt and interest payments to China and others have been a topic of scrutiny and vary depending on sources.

  5. Climate Change: By 2021, the consensus on climate change has grown stronger among scientists. They overwhelmingly agree that the planet is warming, with human activity being a significant contributor.

  6. Domestic Terrorism: The threat of domestic extremism and terrorism has evolved and grown in various ways since the 80s, as witnessed by various incidents in recent years.

  7. Cold War Resurgence: Tensions with Russia, particularly post the annexation of Crimea in 2014, have indeed brought back memories of Cold War dynamics. Cybersecurity threats, election interference, and other forms of hybrid warfare have modernized these tensions.


These concerns are multifaceted and interconnected. It's essential to approach them with a comprehensive understanding and not in isolation. The U.S., like all nations, faces challenges, but it also possesses incredible resilience, adaptability, and potential for progress.

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